

Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome to the site :)


First: ---> Click on the arrows under Blog Archive to see the post titles. 

These are a few recipes from home

I survive on and relish them. I have noticed as well that these versions are much better than some website recipes, they are sometimes bland or missing something-- (taste and opinions being subjective of course ;).  

Note: I have been working on this blog while having obligations that amount to 60 hours per it is a bit homemade as well :), for now!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


 A quick Glossary before we start, you will find all in Indian store though some stores might not carry fresh mirchi --most do though:

Mirchi: green small Thai chilis (can substitute with red chili powder as needed) usually found in Asian store
Hing: Asofeteida powder
MDH Fish Masala: Comes in box at store
MDH Sambar Powder: same as above
Tamarind: When a recipe calls for tamarind, buy tamarind paste
Amchur: Mango powder
Methi seeds: Fenugreek seeds
Rai: Mustard seeds
Jeera: Cumin seeds
Thurka: pan with oil to heat a mixture of seeds/spices
Roasted peanuts: The type of peanuts you need for a couple of these recipes are found at Indian stores; they have their papery skin still on